Lilypie Maternity tickers

Saturday, July 2, 2016

July 2, 2016 {part 2}

The tube is out, and he's doing great so far (even though it's only been a couple of hours)! His little voice is tiny and hoarse, but it's there. He sounds like a sad little cat. He seems like he likes it though. He keeps moving his tongue around his mouth. They've increased his vent settings a bit - he's getting 50% oxygen, and bumped his pressure up to 19/5, but he's satting mostly in the 90's, which is great. They said that the first hour is usually the most critical, when most babies will need to be reintubated, but he seems to be doing well. He's been pretty agitated and needed some fentanyl, but is doing ok. He's taken some big steps in the past couple of days, and we can't be prouder. We never though we'd get to this point, and we're beyond grateful for all of the support, and for all of the blessings we've received. We pray every day for his recovery and healing, and thank God for every day we have with him. Zeke is definitely a strong little warrior, and a huge blessing to our family.

July 2
Getting extubated!

July 2
The first time he could cry and actually make noise

July 2
Enjoying having the vent tube out of his mouth

July 2
He can actually suck on a pacifier

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