Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wedesday, May 25, 2016 - Pre-Op

Over the last two days, Zeke has continued to do well. He only had a minor issue yesterday when he desatted and they had to bag him to bring his O2 back up. It seems the only time he has had that issue has been when he needs to get suctioned. They bagged him and suctioned him and he came back up fairly quickly. He continues to lose a little bit of weight each night, 150 grams over the last two days, putting him at 2930 grams.
They've continued to wean him on his ventilator settings. He's down to a pressure of 26/4 and a respiratory rate of 42. Even with his rate coming down he's only on 70% O2.
Last night when I arrived, the surgeons talked to me about replacing the dialysis catheter in his umbilical vein (UVC) with one in his neck. We've known that the UVC would go bad eventually and it was only a matter of time. Well, this morning when I came in at 0630, the nurse was working with the dialysis tech to restart his dialysis line. Apparently it had just stopped working, most likely from clotting forming on the end of the catheter. Now they have to replace the UVC as it's no longer viable. Makes it a little easier though since we had already been discussing it yesterday.
We're still waiting to hear from surgery on when they will be able to get him in today to place the Vascath in his neck, but it should be this afternoon. It's a fairly straightforward procedure that only takes about an hour, but there's the usual risks associated with any surgical procedure.
I'll post another update once he's out of surgery.

May 24
2980g (6lb 9oz)

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